Hi, I'm Melvin George! 🖐️. A web developer and a blogger.
Originally Published Here 🚀! On the world wide web (www) or the internet, we have our website visited by people from different countries and...
Originally Published Here 🚀! To make HTML elements in horizontal order or row-wise that are responsive to the screens, we can use the CSS display...
Originally Published Here 🚀! To make the font size grow according to the width of the screen, the better way is to use the clamp() CSS function and...
Originally Published Here 🚀! To limit the number of characters that should be on a line on the webpage, you can use the max-inline-size CSS property...
Originally Published Here 🚀! To load custom fonts or fonts that are hosted by yourself in a server using CSS first, you need to use the @font-face...